When do gift cards and credits expire?

Updated by CrowdFarming

If you've received or purchased a gift card, we want to make sure you can enjoy it hassle-free. Here's everything you need to know about its validity and the credits you get when you redeem it.

1. Gift card expiration

Gift cards are valid for four years from the time of purchase. If the card isn't redeemed within that period, it will expire and cannot be used. But don't worry! Four years is a long time and more than enough to find the perfect product and enjoy your gift 🎁🌳

2. Credit expiration after card redemption

When you redeem your gift card, the credits are automatically added to your account so you can use them on our platform whenever you make your first purchase. However, if you don't make any purchases for two years, those credits will also expire.

So, once you've redeemed your card, make sure to take advantage of your credits within two years. It's so easy to keep them active!

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