How can I create a user account?

Great to hear you want to embark on the CrowdFarming adventure! 🚀 Follow these simple steps to create your user account:

  1. Go to the main page and click on “Sign Up” in the upper right corner of the page.
  2. A new page will open, where you can either log in, if you have already registered, or create a new account on the left of the page “New CrowdFarmer?”.
  3. You can either choose to make an express registration through your Facebook or Google account, or fill in the missing fields in the register form.
  4. Choose and enter a secure password you will remember.
  5. Make sure to tick the box below to accept the terms and conditions and click “Sign Up”.
  6. You will receive an automated email confirming the account creation.

👏 Congratulations! 👏 You created your CrowdFarming user account and can start adopting, happy harvest!

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