Legal notice
Contact information
The provision of services through this website is done under the name CROWDFARMING by CROWDFARMING, SL, a Spanish company, which is located in Calle Anzuola 9, Local 4, 28002, Madrid with the VAT number ES-B87952651.
The company can be contacted via the following channels:
The founders and chairmen of Crowdfarming SL are the brothers Gabriel and Gonzalo Úrculo.
All contents hosted or made available on the website, suchs as texts, graphics, logos, icon buttons, images, digital downloads and the data collection are the property of Crowdfarming or its providers and are protected by Spanish and international law for intellectual property, copyright and databases.
All entire contents hosted or made available on the site are exclusive property of Crowdfarming and are protected by Spanish and international law for intellectual property, copyright and data bases.
Neither systematic extraction nor reuse of whichever part of Crowdfarming’s content is authorized without our express consent in writing. In particular, the use of tools, such as robot search engines and automatic extraction of data for the extraction (on one or more occasions) of substantial parts of the Services of Crowdfarming for reuse are not permitted without our express consent in writing. It is further not permitted to create or publish your own database when it contains substantial parts of Crowdfarming’s (i.e. farmers’ contact list and list of prices) without our express consent in writing.
Crowdfarming® is a registered trademark belonging to CROWDFARMING SL. Moreover, graphics, logos, headers, icon buttons, scripts and name of services that appear on the website are trademarked and represent the brand image of Crowdfarming.
The trademarks and brand images of Crowdfarming can’t be used in relation with any other product or service that don’t belong to Crowdfarming, nor in a way that would cause confusion between users, or that would disparage or discredit Crowdfarming.
All other registered trademarks that are not owned by Crowdfarming and that appear included or are available through the Crowdfarming website belong to their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated or related in any way to Crowdfarming, or sponsored by Crowdfarming.