What should I do if I don't want to renew my adoption?

Once your adoption has been confirmed, you can see it in your garden. Here you'll be able to see your adoption details, plan deliveries, and manage renewals. Renewal is automatic, meaning that you can enjoy products from one season to another without having to worry about the renewal deadline. We hope you'll find the adoption experience enriching. However, you can also decide not to renew your adoption. To do so, you have the following options inside your garden in your user account. Click on the adoption you want to manage:

  1. Pause your adoption: You have the option to pause your adoption for a season, meaning that you won't lose it if you can't keep it going for whatever the reason. You won't be charged during this time. After the paused season, your adoption will be automatically reactivated. We'll let you know by email when the next charge is made. You can only pause your adoption for one season, not for two consecutive seasons.
  2. Terminate adoption: Hopefully, this isn't the case, but you may not have liked the experience and don't want to continue with adoption for the next season. In this case, you can terminate your adoption. After the current season and once you've received all your harvest, the adoption will be terminated and you can offer it to someone else. It will appear in your garden in the "Past” adoptions section. This adoption can no longer be retrieved.

If your adoption is automatically renewed but you don't want to continue with it, you can cancel your order as long as the harvest hasn't been planned or the order isn't already on its way. More information can be found here.

Please feel free to contact us through our contact form if you need help during the process 💚

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