Why would I receive credits?

Updated by CrowdFarming

The CrowdFarming model focuses on harvesting food on demand, which allows farmers to plan and anticipate their harvest accordingly. As you probably are aware, or have read in this article, there are many different ways to order through CrowdFarming.

There are adoptions where you can reserve multiple boxes, there are adoptions with only one delivery per season, adoptions as a gift, subscriptions, and recurring orders.

Sometimes, it is the case that things do not go according to plan with an order. We are at the whim of mother nature, after all🍃.

Thus, harvests may be smaller than expected, may end earlier than expected, or you may not be able to order all the boxes you reserved at the beginning of the season for another reason.

That being said, we have a solution for you! 💡

In cases with an adoption, if you were unable to enjoy all the boxes that you reserved, we offer credits at the end of that season for the amount that could not be received.

If an order has not arrived in good condition or suffers another type of incident, you can open a complaint as described in this article.

If we deem it appropriate and the farmer still has harvest, the farmer will send you a replacement box. If they are unable to, due to lack of availability, you will receive a refund for the affected portion of your order in the form of credits that you can use for future purchases and can apply it however and whenever you choose.

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