Gender specification in our texts

We are a team of more than 10 nationalities, the youngest was born on 26.06.1997 and he combines his work as a programmer with the studies of Physics; the oldest was born on 07.03.1954, he is a farmer by profession and a poet by passion. We have not allowed him to retire. 😉 We share the common goal of building a new way of getting food directly from farmers but our tastes and hobbies are very varied: from singing in a choir to dismantling computer processors.

After many discussions and brainstorming sessions, we have decided a way to address the CrowdFarmers (clients) and the gender to use when writing our texts. Of course, we are always open to receive feedbacks and comments in order to change or improve.

Use of formal “you” and informal “you”

In Spanish we have decided to use the informal “you” (=tú). Addressing the CrowdFarmers with the formal “you” (=usted) sounded a bit cold and did not reflect the friendliness we wanted to convey.

If it bothers you, we wish to apologise. Maybe in the future our site will be so “cool” that you’ll be able to decide between the formal “you” and informal “you”. 😉

Feminine or masculine 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾

There are some CrowdFarming projects where the leader is a woman, others where the leader is a man and others where they both are. For some terms on the web we have decided to use English as it does not distinguish between male and female: CrowdFarmer or farmer.

To guarantee make for a more fluid reading about the FARMERS’ stories, we use the gender of the leader of the story. If the FARMER is a man, we use the masculine and if it is a woman, we will use the feminine.

General texts: it depends on the person of the team that writes it, they will opt for one gender or another.

Colour of our emojis

We have decided to use the same criteria as in the previous section. If we refer to FARMERS in general, we usually use the yellow color.

If you have an idea or some compelling reason why we should change our criteria, we are all eyes and ears!

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